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Project Experience

Legislative Assembly Visitor Centre


The Legislative Assembly of Alberta embarked on a major redevelopment project that transformed the legislative precinct and encourages greater integration with the city of Edmonton. This redevelopment includes the rehabilitation and reuse of the former Federal Building, which houses a new Visitor Centre that opened in July 2015. The Centre includes an interactive permanent exhibition, a state-of-the-art theatre in the round, 2000 s.f. of temporary exhibition space, and enhanced retail facilities.

Lord Cultural Resources was engaged to design the exhibitions for the new Visitor Centre to support the Legislative Assembly Office’s educational programs and tours as well as become an attraction for tourists and visitors to the province’s capital. The project explores identity and issues around citizenship and democracy. The exhibition is highly interactive including cutting edge technology such as multi-touch systems, a custom theatre, along with hands-on and minds-on experiences. The exhibition explores the history of Alberta in national and global contexts as well as the democratic process both past and present.

Lord also provided a facility assessment in relation to the overall visitor centre, in support of the architecture prepared by Kasian Architects, and a retail and market analysis to enhance visitation and gift shop services.