Press Releases
March 13, 2012
Chinese Museums Association and Lord Cultural Resources Host 2012 Museum Leadership Seminar
March 13, 2012 — Under the auspices of the MOU on Strategic Cooperation for Chinese Museums signed in October 2011, a strategic leadership conference was held in Suzhou from 4 to 7 March 2012. More than 40 Senior Museum Adminstrators from across China participated in this important event.
The Leadership Seminar featured CMA Secretary-General Dr. An Laishun as Moderator, and Official Speakers included:
- Mr. Wang Hongsheng, Deputy Mayor of Suzhou;
- Mr. Yong Duan, Director of Museums Department, China State Administration of Cultural Heritage and CMA Vice President;
- Mr. Liang Gong, Seminar Co-Chair, Director, Nanjing Museum and CMA Vice President;
- Mr. Dan Rahimi, Vice President, Gallery Development, Royal Ontario Museum, spoke on "Management of Museums as Non-Profit Organizations" with above Speakers;
- Ms. Gail Lord, Seminar Co-Chair and Co-President, Lord Cultural Resources spoke on "Organizing Museums to Focus on the Visitor Experience";
- Ms. Maria Fernandez Sabau, Director, Lordcultura, Spain and UNESCO Advisor on Cultural Policy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia spoke on "Museums and Government"; and
- Mr. Barry Lord, Co-President, Lord Cultural Resources spoke on "Professional Ethics in Museums."
Presentations will be posted on the Lord Cultural Resources website at within the next few days.
This important high-level seminar is the first collaboration based on the CMA/Lord MOU — a three year agreement for the two organizations to collaborate on museum study and professional standards, and realize information and resource sharing and to undertake specific cooperative initiatives.

The Chinese Museums Association is the officially authorized non-profit organization to liaise with museums in the People’s Republic of China. The Association provides related services and promotes professional activities as well as international exchange programs, aims to supervise museum professional self-discipline and promotes museum professional development.
Lord Cultural Resources is the world's largest and most experienced consulting firm specialized in cultural planning. Founded in 1981 in Toronto, Canada, Lord has major offices in New York and Paris, and in the People's Republic of China through our official local partners SinoLord International Cultural Development, Inc.(
The announcement of the Seminar is available on the CMA website at
For more information on Lord Cultural Resources, please visit our website at
For media information, contact Andrea Ott, Director, Marketing and Client Relations at