Project Experience

Union Station
More than Canada’s busiest transportation hub — Union Station is a national historic site and iconic gateway into Toronto. Since 2009, the Union Station Revitalization Project has added over 170,000 square feet to the Station, transforming it into a world-class transport, retail, and cultural hub. In 2018, Osmington Inc. contracted Lord Cultural Resources, on behalf of the City of Toronto, to develop a Heritage Interpretive Plan (HIP) to accompany the Revitalization Project.
Lord’s Heritage Interpretive Plan refined and built on the work completed by previous consultants in 2015. To inform the HIP, Lord conducted a workshop with the client to prioritize interpretive elements, determine budget allocations, and offer strategic recommendations. Lord’s refined HIP enhanced the previous consultants’ approach and revised the project’s budget, schedule, and visitor experience. The final Heritage Interpretive Plan developed a series of revised interpretive elements in Union Station, including permanent vitrine exhibits, “story” benches, and walking tours.
Lord Cultural Resources conducted Content Development work for eight permanent vitrine exhibits in Union Station’s VIA Concourse. Lord also provided direction for design services, working with WeatherstonBruer Associates to create a cohesive and dynamic design. The new exhibits, planned to open in late 2020, celebrate Union Station’s historic legacy, world-class architecture, and its transformation into a cultural and commercial hub.