June 6, 2023
Team News: Yvonne Tang Brings Expertise to Sheridan's Experiential Design Program
We’re so proud of Yvonne Tang, Director of Visitor Experience, who has joined the Professional Advisory Committee of Sheridan College’s new Experiential Design program. It’s the first offering of its kind in Canada for designers to learn how to create multi-sensory environments that speak to audiences. Integrated design is a vital part of experiential experiences, and this honours bachelor degree centres upon holistic approaches to wayfinding, public installation, placemaking, exhibition design, themed environments and event design.
"I have known about Sheridan for years — back when I was graduating from Fine Arts! — and they still are one of the top schools for design. This is the first program of its type in Canada and in my opinion, much needed. I’ve wished for a program like this for years and I'm thrilled to be a part of its growth and development, supporting future designers everywhere." — Yvonne Tang, Director, Visitor Experience at Lord Cultural Resources |
Yvonne’s 22 years with Lord and extensive experience in working in exhibition and event planning and development make her a fantastic fit for this committee.
Learn about our Visitor Experience services and what we can do for your cultural organization.