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The inaugural Museums/Musées Canada Summit took place in Kitchener from April 3-6, 2022. Gail Lord, President and Co-Founder, Lord Cultural Resources spoke at the summit on "The New Context for Revisiting History Museums." Read her presentation to learn more about the challenges history museums are facing today and some ideas for shaping a path forward.
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Before you begin a strategic planning process there are some important things to know— What, Why, When and Who. Read this helpful presentation to learn more about what strategic planning is, why conducting a strategic plan can be important, when to conduct a strategic plan, who is involved and what do they do.
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Originally given at AAM 2017, the presentation draws on key insights from the new Manual of Strategic Planning for Cultural Organizations to assist these institutions in preparing for, and carrying out, change.
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How can culture lead regeneration in urban development projects? In this panel introduction at the 2016 Bay Area Economic Summit in Hamilton, Ontario, Gail Lord highlights success stories of urban renewal projects, and cultural potential within industrial landscapes.
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A profile on millennials and strategies for museums for reaching out to this rapidly growing demographic. Research presented to the Council of American Jewish Museums.
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Gail Lord speaks about the pivotal role museums play in activating the soft power of their respective communities. Presented at the 2015 UCLG Cultural Summit in Bilbao, Spain.
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Great cultural projects, from new museums to strategic plans, are driven by the communities they serve. Joy Bailey-Bryant explains the keys to a successful public engagement process for cultural projects. Presented at the Center for Architecture, AIANY
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Javier Jimenez highlights the changing values of museums and the ways in which marketing and branding can be facilitators for strategic transformation. Presented at ICOM 2016 in Milano.
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Just because you're under construction, doesn't mean you have to be closed for business. Amy Kaufman, former Managing Director of Lord Cultural Resources, US, highlights opportunities and considerations for museums continue operating during construction.
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